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VPN Use in Australia skyrockets as a result of COVID-19

2020 is a year that is going to be remembered as the year that the world almost came to a grinding halt. With the outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China we have come face to face with how our world can change in a blink of an eye.

Gone are the memories of SARS and MERS as we start to come to terms with what the novel Coronavirus has done to the world as we know it. The words “lockdown” have been scaring the world all over and it has made us change the way we interact with each other. The impact of the health crisis the world is facing right now has been felt in all business sectors and has forced us to change the way business is done for the foreseeable future.

Many of us have used VPNs in the past yet, back then it was more of a luxury than a necessity, however in the last few weeks it has become the only way to conduct your business in order to stay safe and Corona free. We here at vpnauthority.com.au have seen a marked increase in the use of VPN access from businesses all across Australia.

Remote Year Ahead

The effect of the COVID-19 crisis has not only confined people to their homes but has also made people start to rely on technology to create continuity in all business affairs. With so many companies electing to maintain the social distance rule in the corporate environment, the use of VPN software has shot through the roof.

At the time of writing, Australia has recorded 3600 confirmed cases of the virus and there is no end in sight with severe measures not being ruled out if the tide does not turn soon. It is this growing wave of confirmed cases that has the business world reaching for tech to sustain their revenue.

In the last few weeks, we have seen a massive upturn in page view on our review pages for VPN in Australia. That is huge even with the current situation taken into account but yet it is telling as to how people are reacting. With business still going forward the use of VPN applications has become vital as we just cannot afford to be out and about in a time like this. Many small businesses seem to be looking for off the shelf VPN solutions.

How VPNs help in this Crisis time?

VPN software is by far the best way to isolate yourself in your home (office) and still be able to access your corporate network. Even if we consider the recent regulatory updates in Australia (Assistance and Access Bill 2018) that might have caused some to be hesitant about using a VPN application, we now know that we just don’t have any other choice.

VPN use has gone sky high in recent weeks, and users are making full use of the technology to keep up in the corporate world. Despite the supposed legal grey areas, there has been sharp increase in VPN sales across the country. VPN Authority has already belayed the fears of legality when it comes to using a VPN in Australia and the security features are well known so there is no problem there.

Here is the real news though, with your VPN you cannot only do all the work that you need to do from home but you can also access various entertainment outlets like Netflix as well as other streaming outlets without the geographic limitation that are often in place.

Yet the major feature of using a VPN application is that you can be working safely in the comfort of your home, keeping yourself and your family safe during this trying time.

So if you are looking for VPN software there are many vendors that have excellent VPN software and some of them even offer you a trial period of up to 7 days. It is a buyers’ market for sure and you will surley find one that suits your need perfectly.

Another reason for VPN ownership is that during this time you might discussing crucial deals on the phone and VoIP even Skype as you cannot meet in person, and with the security that a VPN application offers you, you won’t have to be concerned that your conversation will not be hijacked by any corporate spies, sure it’s unlikely but remembers, we all thought that there won’t be anything to top the likes of SARS when the dust settled.

You need it

VPN applications also give you the protection from invasive spyware and such when you are accessing public networks if you might be away from the office of your home WIFI network. Most VPNs pretty much do the same thing and you do get some free applications, however the choice to buy or use a free version is a choice that should be informed by the reasons behind needing a VPN. The more crucial you need is the more we would suggest that you choose a paid VPN as your payment gets you more in terms of infrastructure and development. Sometimes more is really more especially if you pay for more.

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